Asha Sato, Massage Therapist

I began my training in massage due to a long standing personal interest in body based therapies. Through my massage training I have come to have enormous appreciation for the therapeutic value of touch as an effective way of bringing the mind and body into a state of deep relaxation, with profound benefits for physical, mental and emotional health.

I offer an intuitive and holistic approach to massage, drawing on Swedish and Myofascial techniques, and I am always interested in adding new techniques to my toolbox. My training is trauma-informed, and I work with awareness of the connection between the physical and emotional body. I believe that massage can help to increase awareness of the mind-body connection, and help us learn deep appreciation for our bodies as they are, even though they don't always look the way we would prefer, and don't always work the way we want them to.

Until recently, I worked as a researcher in linguistics. My research interest is in the linguistic imagery and metaphors we use in therapy to talk about physical and emotional pain, and the potential therapeutic use of metaphor in somatic and other body based therapies.


I received my Diploma in Holistic Massage with Anatomy and Physiology from the Massage Training Institute via the School of Holistic Therapies. I also offer Deep tissue massage and am fully trained in Pregnancy Massage with KnotStressed, accredited by the Federation of Antenatal Educators.
